
I know a girl who dances like that. She charges £5 per lap at Long Legs.
The three dudes get to share a suite. Naturally Flex Pack leave their scent on

The Rat is here.

He wasn’t going to miss a free trip out of the valley.
Daisy’s written a letter to each of the boys and messenger Rat hands them over.

“My letter says I have an anger problem.
Vh1 that. That’s 51 Minds.”

“‘Confidence is great. But playing it so cool isn’t
very exciting for me. The truth is I’m not
exactly sure how you feel about me.’”

“What does this say?”
The guys meet up with Daisy on the beach. This is

“You’re someone who makes a person
want to do better than they are.”
You what?
Jerry Maguire? Or some tripe.

have no job.”
Hear hear Flex. I’m a firm believer in if you want a woman you have to be man enough.
I don’t think

“Flex wears his emotions on his sleeve and
he doesn’t know how to react under pressure
and Daisy doesn’t need a guy who every time
she messes up gets all pissed at everything.”

To 12 Pack: “I just feel like I don’t know exactly
how you feel about me.”

“Daisy just comes right out and says ‘how do you
feel about me?’ and that throws my entire strategy
for the whole night completely off because I
wanted to do that not in front of Flex and
eye-to-eye and a heart-to-heart.”

“This is the first time I’ve seen 12 Pack act a
little nervous. I think all of us are. There’s
three of us. Someone’s got to go.”
Daisy tells them someone’s got to go in the morning.
The eliminations.

They’re at an airstrip. No need for a boarding pass.

The bitch.
The good news is the Vh1 montage they put together for Dave. It’s reminiscent of the one the Entertainer got on I Love Money 208. We’ll be seeing 12p again. On I Love Money. On his own show.
Can I Have a 12 Pack

Wanted – Preppie girls, stripper sluts, a token hood rat but no rocker chicks.
Co-starring Caliente!

Oh yeah. Daisy’s still got a show to finish.
Individual dates with Flex and

It’s an all-nighter.
There are rose petals on the bed a horny stripper and enough booze to get you through it.

Now it’s time for

Have you ever sat on a nag? It’s televisual but it aint romantic.
There are no more guys to eliminate. Daisy has to make her decision.

This middle aged man is well captured in the musing of Jane Austin.

Flex: “It’s like walking the green mile.”
Get on with it.

This show is over.
It’s been three months during which I’ve had the support and readership of many. You’re too many to mention. So I’ll start with Trixie you angel, Lex I miss you, Ms Fullwood I love your work, Turkish Jen you inspiration. Hi GG, Travelling Cat and Katzchen. I appreciate. What purpose does name dropping serve with no mention of Ricky Robot? So I’ll end there. My thanks to all who read this blog. Megan wants a millionaire. So read more Thrill Fiction.
Read more Thrill Fiction: What The French?!
Technorati Tags:daisy of love, daisy de la hoya, flex, 12 pack, london, vh1, celebreality, 51 minds, rikki rachtman
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