When a reality show threatens to take a wrong turn the producers willl

Bonez has been sent home and the OGs wallow in their victory (as usual).

Tailor Made acknowledges if they don't win the next challenge the TMF are finished.

The TMF don't know about this or don't care. At their strategy meet they accept that It is the only one left to turn. Tailor Made sees him as his key to 'victory'.
Team captains Tailor Made and Safari receive instructions from Craig: Write down the names of the two team members they trust most. No brainer right? Right?

The challenge: Tailor Made wrote down Prancer and Ice (obviously). Saaphyri wrote down Frank and Frenchie because Buckwild is not on her team.

"I am the challenge throwing champion."
51 Minds rule this house not the OG.
Craig tells the wannabes that the team captains and their two picks alone will participate. I.e. there won't be any challenge-throwing today.
It is the guy who's spooning her remember. Saaphyri really does remind me of Frank's ma.
During the challenge Buckwild comes out with a racist comment directed at Prancer. Not one person (black white or Frenchie) called her out on it. This includes Craig. Just because Becky tries to pass herself off as black doesn't give her a pass to slag off black people. Buckwild's intent was jest. The result was racist. She stepped over the line like a friend at a family gathering. Yet her comment was nothing compared to the shameful trash on Celebrity Apprentice. This is the reality in television.
Back to our regular programming.

As paymaster Tailor Made now holds all the power in the house and he's still plotting. He wants both The Entertainer and Saaphyri in the box. The plan is to get It to engineer a stalemate thereby giving Tailor Made the power to choose which 3 of the green Team go in the box.

Frank tries to sell his plan.

Inside the vault

Time for the power outing.

Really? More so than Sister Patterson?
Frank puts his cards on the table.

The eliminations

"If Tailor Made keeps me tonight I'm going to be a bigger snake than
him and I'm going to gun for him and get him out of this house."
Mission accomplished.

Next week on I Love Money 2:

You're rabbi's gone Cali.
Technorati Tags:i love money 2, vh1, 51 minds, frank the entertainer, saaphyri, craig j jackson, tailor made, it, cali, becky buckwild, 20 pack, prancer
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