If Daisy of Love got commissioned why the hell not Love A-Bomb? Or something with a lame title like For The Love of Ashley. Farrah can be exiled to Charm School Gives Back. Then promoted to I Love Money 3. She is the new Heather didn't you know?
When I♥$2 opened did anyone wonder where the French was 12 Pack? If The Entertainer and Heat were allowed to return why not the other Party Boy? He proved in season 1 he was an alpha-male (amongst reality TV starlets) and he had a boy-meets-stripper bang bang with Heather. I thought 51 Minds would reward him. But with Daisy de la Hoya? That silicone Barbie train wreck is a low reference point. Don't believe me? Look at CC or Bret or Charles. Or Heather.
As Romance told
Point is We the Viewers know. 12 Pack isn't there for love. Thus the suspension of disbelief is broken. So soon after I mentioned it Vh1 and 51 Minds jump into lazyboy casting. They may well jump the shark but I don't want to jump the gun. The show is yet to air. It could be good. In a tattoo-trash sort of way.
Daisy of Love starts 26th April. Starring everyone's favourite French (fry) up Daisy de la Hoya.

And 12 Pack.
Read more Thrill Fiction: It’s Not Real! It’s Television.
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