Monday, 13 July 2009

Big Brother 10 UK Day 36

Day 36

Freddy: “Do you know which group of people are the most deceitful by far?

Siavash: “No.”

Freddy: “Beautiful women.”

Man of the Match

Siavash feels betrayed by Noirin.

Marcus: “It’s not that. It’s more she puts her paranoia above anything else.”

How insecure is a beautiful woman? Writers are expected to pen their own epitaphs, actors can play Hamlet’s ghost and athletes know the clock is ticking… A beautiful woman is dependant on her plastic surgeon.

Eyes without a face.

Noirin hasn’t a clue of the vitriol directed against her outside of the house. Beautiful black women - and successful black men - are the psychotic target of a racist culture. Ask Naomi Campbell.

The fallout from the blow out continues. Freddy explains to Noirin that Siavash was trying to help her. Noirin doesn’t accept this. She’s right not to.

When someone comes to you and says I know something you don’t you would be wise to verify it. If you have no reason to trust the person it could be they’re trying to exert false influence on you.

Now why would anyone want to exert influence over a beautiful woman?

Siavash has got a girlfriend. No doubt Noirin is better looking. He would like her as his girlfriend but he’s too cool to try it on. He knows he’s not her type. That exotic Iranian love guru gimmick may work on Australians, eastern Europeans and perhaps even southerners but black chicks will just laugh at ya.

Siavash is a lying bastard.

Whatever Karly and Kris or anyone else said they didn’t call Noirin a bunny hopper though I’m sure they said something to that effect. It didn’t have to be gossip. It could have been an observation. Siavash made it sound like they had it in for her then denied he said it was them.

Kris and Lisa discuss last night’s events. It seems the row has blown up in Noirin’s face. Kris thinks that Siavash is alright – that it’s Marcus Freddy and Noirin that are the ‘other group’.

Noirin is getting no love from nowhere so she runs to her lovelorn teddy bear. You’re good for something Marcus.

Siavash thanks Freddy for standing up alone for him. He didn’t have to get involved.

Freddy: “Noirin wanted me to get involved – on her side…

He laughs incredulously.

That act of friendship and solidarity has given me pause. I respect you for it Halfwit. Not even Marcus stood up against Noirin and she solicited him the same way she did Freddy.

Marcus suggests Noirin apologise to Siavash for dropping him in it. She refuses. In one night Noirin has managed to manoeuvre herself into the least popular member of the house. I remember how she was with Angel and Rodrigo and I hope Marcus doesn’t get what he wants.

Karly downloads in the diary room. She mentions Halfwit hasn’t bugged her all week. She wants Marcus to go. That is bad news for Noirin because Karly has always nominated these two. I suspect her next noms will be Marcus and Noirin on account of the flare up.

Marcus: “You see that’s the kind of thing that could make you win the whole lot.”

Freddy: “Really (laughing)?”

Marcus: “That was true heroism.”

You what? The ripple effect of Halfwit’s stand is seeping through the house and possibly the watching nation. What’s good for Halfwit is bad for Noirin.

TFi: Rodrigo stood up for Angel against Noirin but the flare up wasn’t as bad so the boy got no kudos.

She does have form that Dublin.

Lisa’s noticed Freddy’s “getting brave again”. This does not sit well.

BB calls in Siavash. He has to be punished for mentioning nominations during the row. Stay tuned.

Noirin has another chat with Marcus – about Lisa.

Noirin: “Well you know the way Halfwit said that there was wun person that was instigating it all, she was killing off everybody?

Marcus: “Yeah.”

Noirin: “And he said this was going to happen… and it’s happened every single week?

Marcus: “Yeah. Because he’s right.”

Noirin: “Well how did he predict that?

(TFi: Confirmation that Noirin is brain dead.)

Marcus: “Because he knows what Lisa’s like. You know, we’ve (Noirin and Marcus) had the same conversation as I’ve had with him and he’s seen it.”

There are stupid people who know they’re stupid and there are stupid people who are too stupid to know it.

Noirin is aghast at being isolated from both groups so she goes into damage control. She kisses Halfwit’s arse but in a I’m not kissing his arse way. The net result is ½ insults, ½ compliments, 100% cringe factor and lots of fake laughter. Marcus is silent. Freddy is amused.

Later Marcus, Noirin and Rodrigo kick a toy at each other in the manner of a football. Rodrigo the Brazilian can’t kick it. Noirin can.


Noirin can play football?

Is it really manly to hate this girl?

Kris got evicted on Day 37.

This week is Big Brother’s 10th anniversary. Five previous housemates from seasons past will each spend a day in the house and there’s the promise of new housemates.

You gotta give it to Channel 4.

Desperation as innovation.

Read more Thrill Fiction: Big Brother 10 UK Day 35