Sunday, 24 May 2009

I Love Money 2 Reunion

It's been so long ago but I'm not letting that stop me. After all as Sarah Palin was to Saturday Night Live so I Love Money 2 is to Thrill Fiction.

The Gang’s All Here

The cast and crew are all gussied up in their TV best but the (Exorcist inspired) set is missing a starlet.

Wanda Scott

Your parents give you a name. If you don’t like it you can change it.

Aka Saaphyri Windsor

Windsor’ is the name of the British royal family. Girl shame on you for naming yourself after that bunch of dysfunctional freeloaders.

Craig opens by throwing a cheap gag at It’s expense then he introduces Frenchie. You know, the subtitles aren’t funny now that they’re doing it to her face. Really. Craig is still making fun of her accent on her third reunion show.

Frenchie refuses to take offence. Her wit charm and joi de vivre win over all in the studio. She won me over in 207.

That shot of the audience doesn’t impress me though.

That guy should be put on a list. Makes me question my own viewing habits.

What’s the difference between a jilted lover and a stalker? A blogger and a studio audience member.

Or maybe a blogger is an online groupie.

I’m with the gang.

Craig’s still talking but he’s not worth listening to. I’ve bigged up this cat as a premier league game show host. I stand by my assertion but he’s a minor league talk show host.

Angelique exempts Myammee and Saaphyri and calls the rest of them snakes. Prancer on her pedestal takes offence.

Do you think karma is the reason why your plastic

surgeon made you look like Wanda

from In Living Color?”

The obvious shot is the cheapest.

Frenchie lets rip.

This is Becky Buckwild’s contribution to modern culture: a rib concocted out of spite and jealousy gestating into something funny and born as a permalink onto Prancer’s forehead. Forever.

Prancer can’t rap. Frenchie the Foreigner who speaks in subtitles won that argument.


In the Flavor of Love reunion New York faked going after Pumpkin. It wasn’t TV fake. It was face. New York had the chance to beat up Pumpkin during the show and blew it. Tiffany’s a gust of hot air. Hoopz called her out on it. Even Smokey tried to get in on the camera time and got thrown of set.

More arguments.

Flavor of Love 2 descended into near riot. Rock of Love 1 reunion had Lacey. Season 2 had Heather trying to kill Daisy. Charm School… You get the point.

At reunions the starlets have seen the broadcast edit and bad blood boils. What we’ve come to expect from these shows is dirty linen aired and scores being settled.

This reunion is missing Saaphyri.

Without her trailer trash Becky Buckwild actually compliments Buddha.


She also humiliates her friend(?) Leilene.

Craig calls Leilene to the sofa. The longer this reunion goes on the worse he sounds. Snide comments from the host won’t make anyone laugh except the studio audience – if they can read the teleprompter.

Poor Leilene is still looking for love. She’s still stripping too. You better hurry up love. Good looks don’t last forever and an aging stripper is not a good look.

Leilene’s last beau (a Brit) wasn’t bothered that she was a stripper. He dumped her because he found out she was celebreality. As a gleeful Craig points out – a stripper is higher on the totem pole than a reality star.


As true as it may be why would a reality show highlight that?

Then again why not?

Leilene continues one of the reasons she likes Caliente is he has the Backstreet Boys on his ipod.


Buyer beware: Leilene will drop you in it while thinking she’s doing you a favour.

With Saaphyri being otherwise detained Buckwild needs another alpha male to latch onto.

It’s Frank’s turn to be ‘interviewed’. The Entertainer is one of the best reality prospects Vh1 has right now. Certainly he’s the best thing in the studio. So naturally Craig talks over him.

Random squealing from the audience.

This car is crashing.

Frank campaigns for his own show. Heat a natural follower wants one too. These guys were two of the funniest in the house yet this segment is so lame I have scant hopes for It.

Craig. Stay in Mexico and let LaLa do this job.

Make no mistake It had the best boost on this season even ahead of Tailor Made. These two either reinforced or overhauled their characters from I Love New York 2. It does his It. Craig interjects and asks Ice to chime in.

Don’t ask.

She calls It dumb. It’s amazing what a professional make over will do to an Ice(man). The bleach must be seeping into her brains.

That’s her on her best day.

At last the host mentions Saaphyri. Yes, It’s Mexican romance with a convicted felon.

I flirted with all the girls in the house… I felt on

every girl’s ass… but Saaphyri was the only

girl that gave me play.”

But she not here right now so… I got a thing for Cali.”

Tailor Made is not the most intelligent of all the players. I put him on a par with Prancer and beneath Saaphyri. He is however the best educated and it shows. Looking smart in a suit and speaking with articulate concision he explains strategy. So the rambling motor mouth Becky Buckwild heckles him.

Recall Frank and Heat campaigning for shows. Well shock horror Vh1. They show a clip of The Odd Couple – Tailor Made and It’s show can be caught on Youtube. It is good. Clichéd but funny and who doesn’t like It? Tailor announces they’re making a joint run for city council.

You’re glad you don’t live in New York. It’d be like the 70s all over again.

I almost forgot. Myammee won season 2.

My overriding memory of her is in the finale at the quiz section when she got one answer wrong and started arguing. First with Craig then with the quiz board.

But she does look a hell of good.

Re her lingerie.

Were you trying to be like Megan from season one?

I’m not trying to be like anybody… Myammee is Myammee.”

Lying bitch. She already said she was in 201.

In any case she tells Craig what she’s going to do with all that money. She’s going to spend it on hair thereby saving the Indian subcontinent from starvation. It’s her foray into business – much like Saaphyri’s lip chap.

Oh dear.

I wish you all the best Myammee which unfortunately might mean the weave – like the permatan – is here to stay.

This season is a wrap. Lex did say this reunion was a let down but TFi won’t hold it against season 3.

Oh wait. Did anyone else notice? Where the hell is Tamara?

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