Monday, 18 May 2009

Daisy of Love 103

The Token (Cable) Guy

Rock of Love introduced us to Dallas and Raven. Very quickly we learnt Brett does not do black chicks.

Whatever chops your wood dude.

However that being the case why have any on the subsequent shows?

Does this Poison preference apply to Daisy?

This weeks MVP

You may as well get something out of it bra.

Morning in the hills has LA looking like embroidered tiles: beauty within the beast. 12p is in meathead role. He’s building an indignant consensus:

Brooklyn must go.

Turns out the guys had a soft spot for Weasel. Hey. Me too. Which is why the Brooklyn resentment boils.

He’s pretty isolated right now.

What a baby.

Off to the challenge. Here the girls try to save baby Brett in an ice hockey rink.

Here the boys try to save dummy Daisy from a paintball sharp shooter squad.

In Rock of Love 2 the guest baddie was Lacey.

In Daisy of Love the guest baddie is a cardboard cut out.

Vh1 may not take your calls but they can use your image forever.

The boys pick teams. No one picks Brooklyn.

Remember Charm School when Saaphyri refused to choose Hottie? Funnier.

These guys win.

This guy succumbs to peer pressure.

He quits. What a baby. Go back to Brooklyn back to your telephone psycho bitch girlfriend. Now that’s a reality show. Especially if her name is Melissa.

Night time is night out time.


Rockers are groomers man.

Sinister was captain of Team Black so he gets the VIP lounge alone time.


TFi: Rich man’s choice; front row or executive box?

Depends on what you’re watching.

The Rat notices Cable Guy isn’t queuing up for a dollop of Daisy lip swab.

Those that did will regret it in the morning.

Fox doesn’t queue up either.

Foxes don’t chase they get chased honey.

Tool Box isn’t queuing. Not for Daisy.

Back at the mansion The Hoya has an early(!) night.

Shades of Abu Grhaib.

Tool Box sure seems to like the tussle
tussle with the muscle muscle.”

Toolbox or TB is a Vegas stripper. I’ve heard about them.

The truth is in the bottle.

Come the following morning Daisy awards the Black Team with a body painting palette.

Yes. 12p got game. Ask New York. He played her too.

It’s time for Daisy to prepare for eliminations. She talks to guys she hasn’t kissed yet.

Unlike 12p Cable Guy has no game.

That might work on gay men but will it spare you in the eliminations?
You could fit your brains in your g-string TB.

London and Fox seem to be the front runners with Flex fighting for third. Cable Guy is like the jazz channel whereas Daisy is like the rock channel.

I found him boring too.

Cage is clearly unhappy and Flex is fighting for third place.

If you bubble someone to their face does that make you a grass?

Cage and Big Rig back up Flex.

Daisy throws him out.

Next week on Daisy of Love:

12 Pack can play drums?”

TFi: I should have recapped Charm School.

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