The Chinese have a proverb: A man need never revenge himself; the body of his enemy will be brought to his own door.

This week's MVP.
With the biggest ego in the house gone

Tailor Made takes stock before challenge and roll calls his alliance.

Is 20p the new leader now? Then bye bye OGs. It'll be like the G20 summit - where special interests massacre the earth.
Craig dissolved the teams last week and
"... slide right through this game and make it to the end."
Ingenious. For a moron.
Strategic. By consensus 20p is the biggest physical threat.

And the winner is

Insert: It must have upset Saaphyri 'cos she targeted him during the challenge. The social equation is a man-beater and a self induced imbecile do not match.
Downtime back at the Vh1 crib. Tailor Made is not one to lay on his scaly belly. He intends to snake pit his seeds into the OG.

"Tailor Made is scared of me. And I guess it's kind of sexy."

The OGs aren't collectively stupid. They know Tailor Made is trying to turn Saaphyri. The commander-in-chief requests an audience. This is the face of the new OG leadership.


"The only way it wouldn't be gravy is if they were playing
us and their whole plan was just to have
sacrificial lamb and throw like two of y'all in the box."

The vault.

20p? 4 votes.


The starlets have voted. He calls in Tailor Made for the results.

The social equation - Imbecility and gallantry are not neccesarily a match.
At the dinner Tailor Made gives

The 20p plan goes along the lines of get rid of It and 20p and
Note to viewer; if you're negotiating from a weak spot the only thing you have is your word. Bonez made a sort of similar offer to Frenchie in 207. Whose word carries more gravitas Bonez or
Bonez got voted off in 207.
Back at the mansion 20p takes the initiative. He groups his team and approaches tailor Made mob handed. It creates an impression: In individual challenges wouldn't it be nice to have the cock of the school onside?
The Chinese have a proverb: A man need never revenge himself; the body of his enemy will be brought to his own door.
"She's like the dumbest girl ever to be on
Vh1's history of reality shows..."
"Right now I feel stupid and I regret it already."
Disclaimer: This task is being held in Huatulco México for fun - not in
Technorati Tags:vh1, celebreality, 20 pack, saaphyri, myammee, prancer, tailor made, cali, it, ice
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