Wednesday, 28 April 2010

A Nightmare on Elm Street [2010] Clips 5-7

The three new clips are bookended by two I’ve previously posted.

Clip 1 (58 seconds) is of Dean at the dinner.Clip 2 (1.10 mins): Kris falls asleep in class: The set up is effective. As the teacher lectures class about ancient savagery Kris pages through her textbook and realises she’s asleep. She’s in a dream. The implosion into dreamscape is an effect not done in the series before. It’s impressive.

The fact that she runs from Freddy at first sight is a welcome common sense approach. Freddy’s spin around at the blackboard looks rickety – otherworldly. Jackie Earle Haley inhabits the horror.

It’s a shame about actor Katie Cassidy. Her look stands out from the kids in her class. She obviously isn’t one of them. She’s too old – and looks it – to be one of them. This could hurt the movie. Also her performance here is less than in previous clip. She doesn’t have the ability to deliver – not in this role.

Clip 3 (1.14 mins): Jesse and Kris: More Katie Cassidy. She’s joined by Thomas Dekker in a dialogue scene. Dekker is too earnest. Cassidy is excruciating. The dialogue doesn’t help despite the fact that the scene is abridged for marketing purposes. The sooner Kris dies in this movie the better.

The most striking thing about this clip is the same as clip 2. The writers have taken the original scenes and inserted other characters in them. The net result may well diminish Nancy’s impact on the film.

The success of this whole franchise is due to the impact of the original. The impact of the original was expounded by the relationship between Freddy and Nancy. The chemistry between Robert Englund and Heather Langenkamp can’t be duplicated but it should be replicated. This film depends on it.

Clip 4 (50 secs): Quentin and Nancy: The best of the three new clips. The acting is better. It’s more natural. They do have better dialogue. The scene is full of information and reference. The Pied Piper is the first story I remember being read to me. It’s a fairy tale. It’s a horror story. Actor Kyle Gallner is good. Rooney Mara looks like she can induce our sympathy.

On 30th April we’ll find out.

Clip 5 (1.11 mins): The Supermarket.
Read more Thrill Fiction: Wes Craven’s New Nightmare
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