$¼million was a lot of money in 2008. Such a cash injection can change anyone’s life. It’s worth playing for. It’s worth winning. That’s the goal. What’s the plan?
This week’s MVP
because although power corrupts but it also entices.
The Toastmaster
Last week saw the implementation of the 12p plan: infiltrate the opposing team and have the collaborators throw the challenge. Unfortunately for 12p it exploded in his he-man face. His Gold Team wanted Destiney gone yet he had her stay over
Guess what? Gold Team still want her gone.
“12p didn’t listen. He’s a traitor. I really want to
talk to the Stallionaires because they’re strong
people. Good to have them on my side.”
Thus the Gold Team girls make their own power move.
This is what remains of 12p’s alliance.
“You really know you like a girl when you
have to fart and you hold it in.”
Oh dear.
feel like most of my team is against me.
And I’ve kind of felt this way since day 1.”
No. It’s been this way since you had a go at Chance.
Everyone knows why.
With Destiney as bullseye does it matter who’s going to be Green captain? No. So they choose Real.
Over at Gold Toastee is a little more subtle.
“If we win I get to send someone from the
Green Team packing. But if we lose I get
to put the three traitors in the bottom.”
They don’t even know.
The challenge involves crying. Shedding tears. It’s the Crying Game. The of Love shows are notorious for their emotionally imbalanced contestants. In this challenge the first team to weep tears from all six members wins. Gold Team has an extra body.
she even produce a tear?”
but you’d need to fly in Brigitte Neilson for effect.
Green Team lose. Again.
What’s the opposite of scrambling? Whining. On the bus ride home Destiney wants to know who’s going to vote her in the box.
The Stallionaires.
A baby spits out its dummy. This is what a Destiney does:
“I just feel like so many people in this house
hate me and they want me out of this
house and it just – it hurts my feelings.
I’m human you know.”
No you’re not.
Toastee I had her back and she
promised me that she’d have mine.”
Tonight is a non-elimination night. What do you do if you’re the most powerful chick in Huatulco , Mexico ?

The Entertainer has a plan.
I know.
I Know.
Destiney thinks it’s a good plan.
I know.
If you’re not the most powerful chick in Huatulco , Mexico what do you do on a non-elimination night?
Poor Craig.
“So I didn’t shed a tear I will put
my own self in that bitch.”
“I don’t know why Real is acting so confident
right now. There’s still a chance he’s going
home and if Toastee does the smart thing
and sends the strongest person home
he’ll be gone.”
pretty sweet in fact I think I’m the
Toastmaster now.”
Time for a power outing. Snorkelling is the fun of the day.
“I’ve never snorkelled before. This is the coolest
thing I’ve ever done. It’s so beautiful. There’s
yellow fish. There’s black and white fish.
I hope there’s no sharks in this water.”

“I’m starting to wish I never put
myself in that damn box.”
After his near death experience a sea-horse has to eat.
alliance with people in this house?”
Destiney: “’Course I do.”
Destiney plays her trump card. Her only card.
She reminds Toastee of her quid pro quo promise to save her.
Wrong play.
Has anyone ever demanded something of you – and justified that demand by a guilt trip reminder of what she’s done for you? Calling in a favour doesn’t have to be antagonistic.
To bolster her point she throws Real under the bus.
“Destiney. Your ass is out. Heat gone.
Stallionaires. We about to win
this whole thing.”
Back at the mansion The Entertainer wants to talk.
and Real is gone that would be a big,
big, big blow to their team.”
“I’ll be making the biggest move in
the history if I send Real
home tonight.”
Oh. The power.
Toastee calls a Gold Team meeting. She’s the paymaster. She can do that.
go home ‘cos I thought she was the strongest
out of the three. I think it’s obvious who’s the
strongest out of the three is.”
Uh-oh. Mutiny.
Cry baby.
First cheque goes to the strong box filler.
had this little alliance from day one. So now
man I don’t know what to think.”
is to send Real home ‘cos he’s the stronger
person. If she sends me home then it’s
obvious it’s a personal vendetta
against me and The Entertainer.”
No. Just you.
there sweating okay kid?”
I knew Toastee wouldn’t let power corrupt her. Porn? Well that’s a different question.
Talking about the corrupt:
that’s why I’m leaving so soon.”
Delusional. Soon to be a single parent.
“I feel really safe right now that I’m in an
alliance with some of the strongest
players in this game.”
That’s how you pay the master.
Next Sunday on I Love Money:
Read more Thrill Fiction: I Love Money 106
Technorati Tags:i love money, vh1, 51 minds, reality television, reality tv, craig j jackson, hoopz, pumkin, toastee, 12 pack, the entertainer, rodeo, real, chance, whiteboy, stallionaires, destiney, brandi c, megan hauserman
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